My Journey

Hi, I’m Julie!  

My work in the knitting industry has spanned more than 20 years.  

From positions held at local yarn shops in central Connecticut and the greater Charlotte, North Carolina region to teaching posts at regional knitting festivals - the NY Sheep & Wool Festival (Rhinebeck), Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair (SAFF) and the Carolina Fiber Frolic’s knitters retreat – I now bring my original creations to life through my business Buttonjar Studio.  

 For as long as I can remember, I have used my knitting and sewing craft to make personal gifts for family and friends.  I receive the most fulfillment and gratification by seeing others find joy in my handmade creations. 

 At Buttonjar Studio, I combine the elements of texture, color and pattern to form the basis of my products.  

My core product is project bags, which are functional for one’s knitting projects but also have other everyday uses such as market and tote bags. 

 Buttonjar Studio operates on principles of exceptional customer service so when my clients place orders, they are certain to receive a prompt, caring response.  I adore connecting with my customers; it is one of the most rewarding features of my business.   

Happy Knitting!
